Dates: Sundays
Time: 5 PM EST - 7 PM EST, 2 PM PST - 4 PM PST
Dial: +1 605-562-0444 Show ID: 5638243
Hosted By: KING KOKO
To create the missing link between 2 billion people African decent spread across continents of Africa 1.3 billion, Americas 400 million and the united states of America another 50 million, with an economy of well over $1 trillion annually.
Out to inform, educate, motivate, entertain and correct 200 years of misinformation, distortions that has kept 2 billion people down and created the largest, most populated and ineffective majority in the world. For the first time tell our own story by ourselves, and the way we want the world to see us and hear it.
To sensitize and sanitize the political processes of African states in an effort to install responsive and responsible Afrocentric governments that will enhance the development of the continent and a better relationship amongst people of color all over the world.
To, for the first time tell our story, ourselves, our fights, our struggles collectively with information that is based on truth, revelation with all good intent as a way of re-orienting this generation to capitalize on the pains and sacrifice of our ancestors and make the world a better place for our future descendants.
The bonds of brotherhood among people of color where ever they are globally and reeducate Africans in the continent of Africa to wake up, take control of their destiny, hold their leaders accountable and make room for the return of African people from where ever they are to the continent of Africa, where they all migrated from 500 years ago using digital revolution of the internet, IOTs, ancestry.com, Facebook, Instagram just like every other race is doing to stay ahead.
People of color should be enlightened on taking up emerging opportunities outside and within Africa to work together, share together, plan together and invest together in digital economy, agriculture creative industry and the United Nations sustainable development goals so we can gradually work back to that position where civilization all started.
People of color should be seen, heard, create and seek collaboration across all climes with a hand shake across the Atlantic Ocean bound with chains of trust, Openness, Love and sense of purpose for the good of mankind.
Host panel and presentation of people with pedigree in education, engineering, politics, and show business in a no hold barred interactive session in a Radio you can see RACE platform.