T25CL Galaxy Talk Radio at Rosalyn's Corner
You have been invited by Rosalyn Jordan-Mills to join a live Community Call at "Rosalyn's Corner" T25CL GALAXY TALK RADIO (Join in)
Host: Galaxy Talk Radio - t25clcity@gmail.com
Guest: Surprise guest who has the first hand experience of dealing with the financial and judicial systems of this country
It's up to everyone to find out how these systems can impact our lives in the most heart wrenching way. Find out what it is to deal with them from one had to do it up close and personal.
Please log in to T25CL Galaxy Talk Radio at and speak to my guest on the show. Ask questions and get to know them and their works
Call ID: 120021 #
Access Code: 1 #
Listen to the Recording:
If you missed this event or want to hear previous recorded episodes just log into and go to Galaxy Talk Radio and click on "Rosalyn's Corner to review past episodes. www.t25cl.com.
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