Galaxy Talk Radio - Rosalyn's Corner - Wednesdays at 7:30 Pacific

You have been invited by Rosalyn Jordan-Mills to join a live Community Call at "Rosalyn's Corner"
T25CL () Host: Galaxy Talk Radio -
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Guests: Ali(Al) Foster - President of the Hollywood Black Chamber of Commerce
Date: Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014
:7:30 PM PST
Alj (Al) Foster , a native of Southern California, started in the motion picture industry just prior to what is now referred to as the Black Exploitation period. Affirmative action was the "buzz" words through out the business. The industry was bustling while most of the viewership both in television and motion picture was up. Over the next ten(10) years Mr. Foster worked at Twentieth Century Fox, NBC, CBS, MGM and Columbia pictures TV. The principle focus of his work, and interest, was in the various areas of post reproduction. Film editing and music editing is where he accumulated the most hours. The television season was about 10 months a year, so instead of taking the hiatus to vacation or relax, his interest in music would kick in, and he soon formed a music promotions company. He formed a partnership with a radio executive, Carl Bedford, and world-renowned musician, drummer Bernard "Pretty" Purdie.
log onto to T25CL Galaxy Talk Radio at and speak to my guests on the show. Ask questions and get to know them and their works.
Date: Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014
Time: :7:30 PM PST
How to participate:
Call in: (724) 444-7444
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