Straight Talk With The Hired Brush
Special guest from the Berkeley Youth Council:
Mrs. Bernadette Coleman
With students from Berkeley High School speaking their experience during the recent protests from a student who posted racists epitaphs on the Berkeley High School campus.
Discussions will include resolutions that were implemented to avoid rioting and violence in Berkeley. Discussions will include Campus President of the Youth NAACP; Ms. Jamela Coleman and the students of Berkeley High School speak out…….
Title: Straight Talk With The Hired Brush
Featuring: Barbara McGee and Rodney Best
Hosted by: T25CL Entertainment and Galaxy Talk Radio
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Time: 7:30 P.M. PST
call 1-724-444-7444 Caller id. 131959#. Pin 1#
Description: Revealing conversations with various community leaders that our out in the forefront creating change.... New Co Host Wealth Expert Mr. Rodney Best Please join us with your issues and great solutions from those who are creating change.